Today’s Freebie was found at The Resourceful Room. This is a very cute color scheme that you can use for your Daily 5 as well as letters for a word wall. Thanks Amy!

This next item I found is great to post near a writing center or around the classroom to encourage writing and how important it is:
From: The Teacher Wife

The next great find is such a cute idea from Third Grade Love. This could be used towards the end of the year or with a theme such as have such “Bright Students”… Whichever way you use it in your classroom, it is a great and fun way to use poetry or showcase your kids’ writing skills.
That’s all I have for today! So until next time….. happy Treasure Hunting!
thanks so much for your sweet comment on my blog! Sorry it took so long for me to reply. Best of luck with these next two years until you are a teacher. And way to be ahead of the game with a blog. Love it!